
What diet pills work well that I dont need prescribed?

What diet pills work well that I dont need prescribed?

Question by Claudia: What diet pills work well that I dont need prescribed? I am 16 and I have a 5 month old baby, and I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancy, I am 215 pounds now, and I am not losing anymore weight. I feel too heavy to do anything to lose it and I want to get a pill to help me lose some weight so I can feel good enough to work the rest off. Please only serious answers, And remember, I need a pill I can buy. I walk my baby around town every second day, but its binge eating that is getting me. Best answer:

Answer by Jess
Diet pils aren't healthy. They'll make you jittery & you won't be able to sleep. All you need to do is go outside & walk. I have 100 lbs on you and can do it. And don't forget to eat healthy.

Answer by Saskia rebecca Cole
firstly, get yourself into an exercising regeme, and start a diet, such as tesco light choices, weight watchers, special k and so on, keep with the diet, record what you eat, your exercise and your weights and heights each day. keep going, if you think a diet pill could help you could try adios? or adios max? xx

Answer by EddySays
They are all gimmicks. Alli is the only approved one. It kinda works like a gimmick too by preventing the absorption of 25% of the fat you eat daily. Doesn't address all the sugar in our food supply though. There is no such thing as a diet pill, liquid, powder, or fat burner supplement! Got it? Think about it. If any of this garbage worked, why would 2/3 of the adults in the US be overweight, obese, or morbidly obese? We would be lined up without having to spend a dime advertising if someone had the magic formula. Alli is the only over the counter weight loss pill approved by the FDA. It kinda works like a gimmick too by preventing the absorption of 25% of the fat you eat daily. Doesn't address all the sugar in our food supply though. There are only three prescription weight loss medications approved. Do you think that if any of them REALLY worked we would have a $ 60 billion a year industry in "weight loss" supplements? The big three pharmaceuticals would dominate the market. Approved or otherwise, none of these weight loss supplements guarantee anything unless you establish a healthy diet and exercise program. So why not just establish a healthy diet and exercise program and keep your money? You will be spending somewhere between $ 2 and $ 4 per day on a product that is not approved or guaranteed to do anything! The only weight loss supplement I recommend is a basic multivitamin. And yes they are dangerous. Heart, liver, kidney, intestinal, and neurological damage and death have all been the result of diet pills. That is why the FDA hasn't approved any new ones for 14 years. These supplement manufacturers are using human guinea pigs (you) for these products. As long as no one gets sick or dies, and they don't get fined or shut down they will keep making and selling this junk. Whether it works or not. I say it over and over and over. "If any one of these products really worked, why are there so many?"

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