
How can I get by body out of "starvation mode" and still lose weight?

How can I get by body out of "starvation mode" and still lose weight?

Question by iCat: How can I get by body out of "starvation mode" and still lose weight? I've been eating around 1, 200 calories or less per day for about a year now (trying to lose weight, of course), and I can't seem to lose any weight. I also work out pretty intensely about 6 days a week. I'm not overweight by any means, but I'd really like to get rid of my problem areas. Any advice or websites I could go to? Best answer:

Answer by BLINK'S BACK
if you arent losing any weight & you work out & eat like you do then that means you are skinny enough.

Answer by laughalotprayalot
Eat breakfast, a good one. Never omit a meal, eat light at all meals you eat. Eat veges, fruits and low on breads and pasta. You might be on a plateau, get a little more vigorous on exercise. Walk daily, that will drop the weight, with time, walking is scenic and free. Walk, walk, etc. dialy 20-30 min each day.

Answer by Shinikoyubi
not possible. only if you are an ectoporph, which you don't seem to be for all people who are not an ectomorph, it is nearly impossible to lose weight the way you want to, becouse it'll just come back at the same speed you lose it ( look endomorph up on goole/wiki )

Answer by bo.echo
this may be a DUH moment for you. but your body entering starvation mode means you are KILLING yourself. stop now while you still have the function of your internal organs.

Answer by margie k
You can't spot reduce, it is a myth. You can tone those "problem" areas up to make them look more attractive and that's it. You haven't lost any more weight doing what you are doing, which means it's time to eat more - so that your body will get out of starvation mode. Increase your calories to 1800 a day and meanwhile if you aren't lifting weights ( light weights with high reps - for toning) try that. It doesn't sound like you need to lose weight though.

Answer by myownsoap
do you take vitamins? I suffered from annorexia for almost 10 years I lived in "starvation mode" then I began to see that my "problem areas" were caused not by fat, not because I wasn't skinny enought, and not because I didn't work out those parts (namely my little belly fat that never seemed to go away) as insisted on by my nutritionist I began to take prenatal vitamins (i needed the extra iorn in them, I was not pregnant) I came to realize my "fat" was sitting in those areas due to malnutrition, many of the problem areas lightly shifted into my body naturally once I began the vitamins and made things look smoother, (and my energy level was so much better) just look into it

Answer by eliza
Go to www.nutracheck.co.uk and see how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. It could be that you are eating too little as you are exercising a lot It could also be that you have made muscle which is heavier than fat and so, although you aren't losing weight surely you have lost inches?

Answer by Sarah M
You could not be getting enough calories a day for your body to get rid of certain areas. Also, lifting low amount of weights with several reps such as circuit training burns a lot of fat. I downloaded Lose It on my iphone and I was actually not eating enough calories to lose weight, I increased my caloric intake as it suggested and I have lost 6lbs in three weeks (I put in that I wanted to lose 2 lbs a week) Try this website: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm Also, you might cut back on working out to only 4 times a week. Make sure you are being realistic about the goals and find a website for weight lifting on those target areas.

Answer by djbbiz
Unless you are very small 1200 calories is not a lot of food. I had a client like you eating about 1000 calories a day and still 70 pounds overweight. I raised her to 1600 calories per day initially and increased her workout intensity utilizing circuit patterns of weighted barbell, dumbbell and kettlebell exercises and focusing on only the largest muscle groups and she lost over 20 pounds in the first 75 days and she is still losing. Your body needs to know it will not be starving, and the way to tell it to increase your metabolism is by eating at least 6 times a day but smaller meals. This constant intake of calories will signal the body that energy is readily available and that it does not need to hang onto fat for an emergency resource. http://www.UltraFitClinic.com

Answer by Lara C
The only way to get your body out of starvation mode is to increase your calorie intake/day. It will take a while but once your body understands you are not "starving" yourself anymore, it will stop packing anything you eat for future need. Problem is, increasing your intake will make you gain weight, not in fat, since you work out a lot, but there will still be a difference on the scale that will not really be noticeable on your body. As for the problem areas, you cannot target them specifically. Everybody gain and loose weight differently. Several factors are to be taken into account (morphology, hormones, eventual metabolism "diseases"...) So I would recommend changing your workout routine, so that your body doesn't get accustomed to it and keeps on burning fat, using different muscles. In short, increase your calorie intake (gradually!!! don't add 1000 calories in your next meal or you will gain 2 pounds in fat) keep on working out but diversify your routine, and keep on eating healthy.

Answer by Gretchen
cut back on working out so much and increase your caloric intake. You'll gain a little weight back but go right back to losing. You've probably lost so much muscle that some of it will go right back on, but if you stop exercising so much, you'll stop burning so much muscle. I really hope you do it cause you can't keep up eating so little and exercising so much for the rest of your life.

Answer by Abigail T
Hey, I recommend that you try Hypnotherapy! No, I'm not kidding you on this. I used to weigh 198 lbs and my height is only 5'8" - for my height and with that kind of weight I'm really obese! I tried the "Master clense" and other diet recipes, and I even watched Richard Simmons videos but they didn't helped me at all! I tried going to a gym with a strict diet once and within a week later, I stopped going to gym and started eating more than before. It brought me back to where I started again. I am sure you happen to experience it like me. One day, I was watching CNN news and they interviewed this hypotherapist guy, his name is Steve. I myself do not believe in hypnotherapy but the hypnotherapist was rather convincing so I visited his site (http://www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.tk/) and he has a "Weight Loss Powerpack". I bought the part 2 "Weight Loss Powerpack 2" which consist of Weight Loss, Stop Binge Eating and I Love To Exercise. It is more affordable than a month of subscription to the gym and having those strict diets. The first few days I realized my eating dropped significantly and my weight dropped a little. A week later, I begin to feel motivated to exercise and such! His hypnotherapy works! It has been a month already since I bought his program and I already lost 18.3 lbs! I recommend you give it a shot! http://www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.tk/

Answer by Kate
By following the steps which are compatible with body`s natural functions. The best thing you can do is improve your metabolism. I lost over 50 lbs this way - doing almost nothing. You can do that by eating regularly, drinking loads of water, and eating fat burning foods. Get a free guide with real working tips here: http://www.bestwaytoweightloss.com You also might want to check out the diet here: http://www.bestlosingweighttips.com - it is all based on metabolism and how to increase it.

Answer by chaitanya n
First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health . Basically there are 3 types of Diet + ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINE O ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISON Check out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group . Inorder to Lose Weight eat 5 Small meals every 2 hours a day . Inorder to Gain Weight eat 5 Big meal every 2 hours a day. -Blood group O is for Old.- Type O. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples Along with diet Burn Calories Learn Dancing and Exercise with NINTENDO WII or SONY PS2 PS3 Check these games with Dance Mat For WII http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=wii+dance+mat for SONY PS2 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ps2+dance+mat For SONY PS3 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ps3+dance+mat

Answer by askdianakerekes
Yes is possible to lose weight even without dieting. Check Out Cal Nutrasciences (CNI) Core4 Products - Clinically Proven Weight Loss That Targets Belly Fat. Visit: http://www.dietersdreamsystem.com or Call Jim Cobb at: 614-388-8779 or Diana Kerekes1-800-507-3351 http://www.dietersdreamsystem.com

Answer by gringomcnight
hello there icat, i think i have the solution to your problem, we almost have the same problem but thanks to CREVAX because i was be able to lose weight even without any diet plan. i think you should check it out.

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