
If I Worked Out on Cardio Machines with my Heart Being in Cardio Section, What Will Happen if I Pump Iron?

If I Worked Out on Cardio Machines with my Heart Being in Cardio Section, What Will Happen if I Pump Iron?

Question by Sals-A-Wals: If I Worked Out on Cardio Machines with my Heart Being in Cardio Section, What Will Happen if I Pump Iron? A couple years ago, I heard in order to get tone, lean muscle you should keep your heartbeat in the "weight loss" section of a cardio machine, because if it's in the cardio part you'll build muscle. But recently I read that it doesn't matter and the more intense the cardio part, the better. Women don't have enough testerone to build muscle if they do weights. Who is right? Best answer:

Answer by xox_bass_player_xox
I don't know about the weight loss section of a cardio machine but I can tell you about building muscle. Women can and will build muscle from working out. However, because of the lack of testosterone women can not become overly muscular without some help. I guess the thing you want to hear is that you will not look like a muscle head from working out on a treadmill or stairmaster.

Answer by Terry2fish
Women build muscle. We just don't build it the same way as men do. This is obvious when you see female athletes. I am not talking about female body builders. I am talking about tennis players and olympic swimmers and the like. They still look like women. They do weight training to build muscle to improve their performance. Weight or resistance training is an important part of a diet and exercise program. It tones and builds muscle. Many trainers recommend warming up with a cardio workout before doing the resistance training. I have done that and also have just done stretching to warm my muscles prior to weight training. I have had success with both methods.

Answer by lv_consultant
on average women produce 1/10 the amount of testosterone that males do. it is EXTREMELY hard for the average women to get muscular and lean. most do not follow the proper diet to achieve this level of low body fat or lift heavy enough weights to promote increases in muscle mass. it does not happen easily, overnight or by accident. the diet ultimately determines the level of muscle mass. in order to grow big muscles there must be a caloric excess in the diet with the right nutrients. muscles do not simply grow just from lifting weights.

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