Question by its me SANTINO MARELLLA: best vegge to eat while trying to lose weight? whats the best vegge to eat while trying to lose weight what your favorit "weight loss" meal? i like cooked broclyy with shrimp an pasta or spinach with little chicken chunks (plain chicken not breaded or anything) an pasta are these good weight loss meals an if you have or are loseing weight what have you been eating? Y0U DIDNT ANSWER THE QUESTION! Best answer:
Answer by Sugar Annie
It is not vegetables that are important in weight loss, it is protein. A high protein diet regulates hunger. Learn about the Atkins Diet.
Answer by ginger_719
any veggie and any fruit in any quantity. you should check out the celebrity fit club diet it's the best one i've ever tried. the first nine days are pretty much vegan but it's cool cuz you don't really miss the meat and you get your protein from other sources. but you should really stay away from alot of pasta unless your eating the whole grain kind which is actually pretty good when mixed with sauces. hope this helps
Answer by stick8100
My favourite weight loss meal is scrambled egg whites YUMMMMMMMM i absolutly love them, the high amount of protene makes me feel full and there's like 12 calories per egg white. {usually 3-4 egg whites is a meal for me} Your "weight loss" meals you suggested sound good... minus the pasta. But im not sure, i never really eat pasta, but if it helps you feel fuller for longer then that's fine =D But the best vegge to eat while trying to lose weight? they're all good for you, just avoid too many potatos because they have a few too many carbs. And spinach is VERY good, because it has very little calories but still very nutritious for you. hope this has helped somewhat
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