
How do i get motivated to lose weight and stay motivated?

How do i get motivated to lose weight and stay motivated?

Question by im_just_me: How do i get motivated to lose weight and stay motivated? i am currently over weight! i was wondering if anyone had any tips and i could use to sstay motivated enough to lose weight! i dont like the way i am! i hate myself for getting like this. i dont know what happened! i am never motivated to go out anymore. i suffer from depression.... i need help to lose weight fast! Best answer:

Answer by gymjunkie
Join a gym, go to some exercises classes make friends with others like yourself

Answer by lalalla
aw first of all don't let ur weight rule ur life. i have a friend like that and she always doesn't wanna go shopping because she feels that "She will look fat." i think thats ridiculous, love ur body! but if u want to lose weight a few things to keep you motiviated: -think about wearing a bikini this summer -how much more confident you will be -the guys:) -you can do it. you have to keep telling yourself that you can! -get a friend who has the same goals to keep you motivated -cut out a picture in a magazine or someting of a body that you'd like to get

Answer by Saniyah T
The pattern for losing weight is simple - eat less food and workout more - the issues appear when we in reality try to put that into practice! There are plenty of opportunities to fail in the big wide world don't you think?! The only method that really delivered for me is wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a limited number of free trials remaining, it was highlighted in Fox News and USA Today. I melted away twenty five pounds, it really does produce results!

Answer by Abe
The best way to lose weight is buy doing it with a friend. Both of you should create meal plans that will work together. Have fun while you exercise with your friend. Listen to music. Here are some exercises I found helpful: http://www.tvlesson.com/article/11917_how-to-do-the-pilates-100.html http://www.tvlesson.com/article/12031_how-to-do-the-kneeling-arch.html

Answer by Jessy
You need to remember that you can lose weight and that it's up to you completely. Take tiny steps and make small goals you can achieve in a reasonable time and you will remain motivated. read this for some more tips: http://burnmybellyfat.com/weight-loss-motivation-tips.html http://burnmybellyfat.com/think-yourself-thin.html

Answer by Abigail T
Hey, I recommend that you try Hypnotherapy! No, I'm not kidding you on this. I used to weigh 198 lbs and my height is only 5'8" - for my height and with that kind of weight I'm really obese! I tried the "Master clense" and other diet recipes, and I even watched Richard Simmons videos but they didn't helped me at all! I tried going to a gym with a strict diet once and within a week later, I stopped going to gym and started eating more than before. It brought me back to where I started again. I am sure you happen to experience it like me. One day, I was watching CNN news and they interviewed this hypotherapist guy, his name is Steve. I myself do not believe in hypnotherapy but the hypnotherapist was rather convincing so I visited his site (http://www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.tk/) and he has a "Weight Loss Powerpack". I bought the part 2 "Weight Loss Powerpack 2" which consist of Weight Loss, Stop Binge Eating and I Love To Exercise. It is more affordable than a month of subscription to the gym and having those strict diets. The first few days I realized my eating dropped significantly and my weight dropped a little. A week later, I begin to feel motivated to exercise and such! His hypnotherapy works! It has been a month already since I bought his program and I already lost 18.3 lbs! I recommend you give it a shot! http://www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.tk/

Answer by Jane R
The "Burn The Fat" system was developed by long time builder and fitness expert Tom Venuto. Tom says he can show you a fool proof way to "turbo charge" your metabolism and burn pounds of fat off your body. Because his plan focuses on fat loss and not weight loss, there is no need to starve yourself or go through any of those fad diets that you see on TV and the internet...

Answer by Zaire T
the best info is from here

Answer by Dele A
First of all, don't be depressed. It is not only you that wants to lose weight. The only advice I can give to you is to have to the mind set that you want to lose weight. And remember, you cannot lose weight in 48 hours. You just have to be dedicated. Goodluck with your weight loss journey

Answer by chaitanya n
First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health . Basically there are 3 types of Diet + ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINE O ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISON Check out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group . Inorder to Lose Weight eat 5 Small meals every 2 hours a day . Inorder to Gain Weight eat 5 Big meal every 2 hours a day. -Blood group O is for Old.- Type O. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN" Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat "FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS" Liv 52 Euterpe Oleracea Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples Along with diet Burn Calories Learn Dancing and Exercise with NINTENDO WII or SONY PS2 PS3 Check these games with Dance Mat For WII http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=wii+dance+mat for SONY PS2 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ps2+dance+mat For SONY PS3 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ps3+dance+mat

Answer by askdianakerekes
First of all don't hate yourself for not losing weight. It will happen one pound at a time. Yes is possible to lose weight even without dieting. Check Out Cal Nutrasciences (CNI) Core4 Products - Clinically Proven Weight Loss That Targets Belly Fat. Visit: http://www.dietersdreamsystem.com or Call Jim Cobb at: 614-388-8779 or Diana Kerekes1-800-507-3351 http://www.dietersdreamsystem.com

Answer by ABSee
Okay, help is at hand! Never fear, your problem can be solved! Just remember you're a very special person and you can do anything you want...you have the resolve, it's just a matter of pointing you in the right direction. First, don't go on a diet or take pills. These only ever deliver short-term weight loss - in other words, you will lose weight, but it will come back again...and that's the last thing you want! The way to lose weight permanently is to get rid of the bad habits that make you fat and learn new ones...slim habits...see below. By learning new habits you will be able to make the essential changes in your life that will help you to stay slim. Motivation? This is a program that is run by you, for you. When you do things yourself you are more likely to see them through and make them work. Just remember though, you have to want to change. If you are happy the way you are, the way you are is where you will stay. It's that simple. You can do it! The rewards are amazing when you do! I hope this was helpful!

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