Question by Geri <3: How much weight do you have to lose for it to be considered a "significant weight loss"? i lost 60 lbs. i have about 50 more to go and i know this question is based purely on opinion. so give yours and i know this question is based purely on opinion. so give yours Best answer:
Answer by Lo
i think it would depend on how much you weigh to begin with. if you are 130 pounds, losing 30 pounds could be significant. if you are 300, losing 30 pounds..not so much. and for you i think you could say it was significant weight loss. if you want to lose 50 more, that is more than half.
Answer by Sarah in Wonderland*
It depends on what your starting weight is. If someone is obese, 60 lbs or more If someone is normal, 20 lbs or more
Answer by Bull's eye
i think at the end of the day you should loose weight to the extent which is good for your health and most importantly you feel its comfortable for you. i dont know ur weight and height but there is a ratio of height and weight which is considered ideal or good and consult ur dieticain or nutrionist or the doctor who will give good advice on this. cheers
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