
How much water do you need to drink to lose the same amount of calories in one pound?

How much water do you need to drink to lose the same amount of calories in one pound?

Question by SillyGoose!(:: How much water do you need to drink to lose the same amount of calories in one pound? I drink water everyday, all the time. Even though it doesn't taste well, I still drink it to keep myself hydrating at all times. Now, I'm pretty sure you can lose weight really easily by drinking tons of water and cutting back on your daily intake of calories. How much water do I need to drink daily to lose twenty pounds in the next month? Month in a half? Best answer:

Answer by mrcrazyswords
Doesn't really work like that, water helps you lose weight, it doesn't cause you to lose weight. General rule, if you drink enough water that your pee is clear or light yellow, you're doing fine. If you want to lose weight you have to watch your intake of calories way more than you have to watch your water intake. Twenty pounds in a month is a tall order, good luck.

Answer by Tommy
Water has no calories whatsoever. Half a gallon or so per day is a healthy amount. Any more or less isn't going to change anything except your energy levels (like drinking way too little)

Answer by malica
Drinking water doesn't actually cause you to lose weight on it's own. You need to cut back on your caloric intake, increase your physical activity, or do both. Drinking water will help you reduce your caloric intake as it will help a bit for feeling a bit less hungry, but just drinking water does not lead to weight loss. If you cut back your calories to about 1500 calories, you'll lose about 1lbs per week for a total of about 4-5 in the month (you may lose more weight in the first week if you have a particularly horrible diet right now that's fully of processed and salty foods). If you eat about 1200 calories and include exercise 4-5 times per week, you can potentially lose 2lbs per week. Sorry, but 20lbs in a month is an unreasonable goal.

Answer by StarMan
First of all, the concept of "how much water to I need to drink to lose so much weight" is an erroneous concept based on erroneous information. I suggest you research this further. Yes, water helps your system work efficiently and being well-hydrated makes your weight-loss efforts work better than being partially dehydrated, but the notion of water CAUSING you to lose weight just isn't correct. Once you're well-hydrated, drinking MORE won't cause you to lose more weight. It's the eating healthy foods in healthy amounts and the exercise which cause you to lose weight (for the record, it's not just a matter of eating LESS but eating RIGHT). You should usually drink around a gallon of water a day to be hydrated. More if you're in hot, dry environments and exerting yourself. Check the web and/or ask a doctor for guidelines But please don't listen to folk tales, like "drinking more causes more weight loss". It's amazing how much misinformation is out there (like in a previous question of yours, some people were trying to say 190lb was just "big boned" or "a little overweight but not obese" - it is obese, not that you should feel bad about that, but you should be realistic about where you stand; you should lose some weight). Good luck in your healthy weight loss efforts.

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