Question by Rainia W: What has been your best weight loss "trick"? Mine has been replacing most of my beverages with water. I used to drink juice ALLLLLL day long, but now I have juice for breakfast and milk with dinner, and then in between and with lunch I have water, and it has helped me lose weight. Best answer:
Answer by Courtney
Mine is cutting out processed foods like chips and crackers, sure they could be healthy kinds but they really are loaded with carbs. Also cut any drinks that contain calories and just drink water now. No sweets.
Answer by David F
I gave up adding butter, salt and sugar to anything I ate since age 4. Now my metabolism is too fast, and I don't know how to slow it down. Even my wife's attempts to bulk me up amounted to nothing.
Answer by Dave234098712
My weight loss trick is to gorge on whatever you want one day of the week. The day you pick doesn't matter. I'll explain the reason You know when you diet, you are actually slowing your metabolism down because your getting less nutrients and calories. But picking one day of the week to eat whatever you want. Not only helps you get through cravings but allows you to lose even more weight the following days efficiently for an extended ammount of time. Meaning your metabolism starts to slow down durning the week for example and on the weekend "sunday" you boost your metabolism once again. I really recommend this trick to everyone. It makes there metabolism realize there was never a famine after all pretty much so it decides to burn even more calories. YOUR METABOLISM DOES SLOW DOWN WHEN YOU DIET. and thats why I always recommend a dieter does this. Not only does it help them with there weight loss but it gives them a day to eat there favorite meals and whatever else they want with no limits. So it also doesn't make a person feel like there missing out on too much since they still get to eat a lot of what they like once a week.
Answer by xlivexluvxburnxdiex
I agree, cutting out drinks with calories. I used to drink juice like it wasn't going to exist tomorrow. Now the only thing I usually drink at all with calories are iced capps from Tim Hortons :P And EXERCISE =Awesome.
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