
How do those drinks work?

How do those drinks work?

Question by evilbucky: How do those drinks work? How do those "weight loss" drinks work and what are some? Best answer:

Answer by i_way
I'll just say that one shouldn't use it. But if you want to you can find many online just search in google.

Answer by Rudy B
The concept being most weight loss drinks is to control your caloric intake. Despite label hype, there is no magic ingredient/nutrient that burns away body fat. A good weight loss drink will be low in calories, but high enough in protein to satisfy hunger. If you have a 200 calorie weight loss drink rather than a 1000 calorie bowl of spaghetti, you consume less calories total in a day, and over a period of time your body will begin to burn stored fat as fuel. The best weight loss drinks are high in protein, low in sugar, and tasty enough for a person to drink on a regular basis. I'd suggest this one: http://www.primalnutrition.com/responsibly-slim-i-3.html Also, don't forget, it's not cheating to add ingredients to your weight loss shake (blueberries, cinammon, cocoa powder, a few slices of banana), as long as you keep your total calories down (1200-1500 calories per day is a typical goal if you're looking for serious weight loss).

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