
Whats the best way to lose weight if you really fat and work nights?

Whats the best way to lose weight if you really fat and work nights?

Question by esplin227: Whats the best way to lose weight if you really fat and work nights? Im 21 years old. In between 270 and 280 pounds. I'm hairy as all hell and not that blessed "down south" either. Now my cousins and uncles are wondering if im gay or something because thay've never seen me with a girl. (there a nice familly though so they would never accually call me gay or anything. And im not btw, I just know I have absolutly nothing to offer a girl as for as im aware.) I know while my weight issan't the cause of all my problems its one of my bibggest problems. So I figured id start there. Ive seen others in my familly go on almost every diet and even exersize. They lost weight but just gained it back faster (even the ones who were exersizing). I know that skinny people dont spend 10 hours working out at the jim and eating only salad so somethings wrong with that aproch. I know its been asked before but what is the best and most reasonable way to loos weight? Best answer:

Answer by seema j
u need the Medicine products lose weight..this products i can allso used more information http://www.skincarefaiy.com

Answer by imraybarbonifrommiami
Use all your spare time running, and condition yourself to eat less overtime. There is no miracle way to lose weight. It will take diet excersise and discipline.

Answer by joshua
Try going on a diet and if that dont work try diet pills

Answer by It Co$ t To Be Around The Bo$ $
Excersize and eat healthy.

Answer by kaylia j
my little bro is in wrestling and lost over 14lbs. in 2 weeks. thats unhealthy but fast. stop drinking pop number one. 2 exercise is good. push yourself but not to much to fast. if ur going for a tredmil try 10 min run, at least 5mph and the highest incline. eat healthy foods! stay away from sugar and bread. an ulter in ur diet may cause probs so buy vitamins and healthy deit pills help.plus if u lose the weight u need to keep doin wat ur doin u cant stop. if a third grader can do it so can u! shave and maybe date an asian or something idk. u'll be fine. or try being gay. who knows!

Answer by Brian P
The best suggestion I could give you might not be "right" by dieting standards. I have had great success by not eating so much crap that is so bad for you. Another thing that seems to help is to slow down when your eating and give yourself time to feel full. You should be drinking lots of water. When you feel like your hungry between meals, try eating some fruit. I know this sounds like crap, but it truly does work. Don't try loosing alot of weight fast. Just be consistent loosing until you feel comfortable with yourself. All of your family that you refer to loosing all of that weight then gaining it plus more back is simply because they crash diet and their bodies do not have time to adjust.

Answer by V L W
Start off by going to your doctor for a physical to make sure that there are no health concerns that would prohibit a particularly strenuous physical activity. Ask your doctor to get you scheduled with a dietitian as well to help determine the amount of calories you need to have in order to loose the weight you want in a proper way and to keep it off. Working nights is very hard because it can alter not only your sleep cycle but also your metabolism. Cafeteria food is not healthy so I suggest packing your lunch. This will make it easier to keep track of your caloric intake. In your town check and see if the local hospital has a fitness program. If they do see about joining a weight management program there. This is better since they trained about the medical things that happen as we exercise and change our eating habits. I found that franchise gyms only care about the money that they get from you. As far as the failures of other people in your family don't let that stop you from getting your self healthy. Their failures are just that "their failures". Don't worry about what your uncles/cousin's think they are obviously not thinking that they are so good either if all they have to do is make fun of you. Hold your head up high and concentrate on making a healthier life for you.

Answer by mickycat
Join the army! or do hard exercises! smoke and stay away from ur family (mama's dishes usually are high calories)!

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