
What do you do if your employer suggests you LIE to your clients about personal weightloss?

What do you do if your employer suggests you LIE to your clients about personal weightloss?

Question by Shlumpadinka.com: What do you do if your employer suggests you LIE to your clients about personal weightloss? A certain "weight loss" company/ represented by the ex "Cheers employee" misleads their employees, has their employees lie to the clients, suggests that the employees tell the clients that they have lost weight themselves on the program, when it's a bold faced lie- How can someone let the consumer world know that they'll lose more money than lbs. buying into this Lie-factory? I've since left the company- I just think it's horrible that so many people are being lied to on a day to day- or should I say, commission check to commission check basis. It is HORRIBLE. Contacting corporate did NOTHING. Clients are merely rushed in and out. Consultations? Please- in, weighed, more food, out the door CHA CHING!! Ridiculous. Buyers BEWARE of enticing advertising- most of the in house are NOT on the program, nor have they ever been- you're being lied to. Best answer:

Answer by expatmt
Go to the Better Business Bureau and tell them what is going on.

Answer by Pet Lover
I agree that you should check out the Better Business Bureau. I would also contact the local news station - this would make a good undercover story. In the meantime - look for another job where your ethics won't be undermined.

Answer by Missy
I was a member of that program... I believe you, it's all lies. All they want to do is make a quick buck (and it's very quick at about $ 115 a week!)

Answer by afrodyzyak
Talk to a lawyer first before you do anything. Carpe Diem!

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