Question by emilbean: Is walking an effective form of exercise? I have been walking for 30-45 minutes a day for about a week now. Although I haven't noticed any physical changes, it has done wonders for the whole mental aspect of exercise. BUT I have noticed a lot of negative feedback from people on Yahoo Answers about walking as exercise. Is this really an effective exercise or am I just wasting my precious "weight-loss" time? Best answer:
Answer by ThePartyGirlPrincess
Walking is an excellent form of exercise provided you raise your heart rate and do it on a regular basis. It's a great low-stress exercise that's easy on the joints too. Good Luck and stay with it!
Answer by marina
actually its one of the best workouts, it boosts ur metabolism, and u lose fat burn calories, and also tones up ur body... i mean all in 1....... usually u have to use weights to tone up ur body right? walkin does all the work for u .. and ull lose so much weight in maybe 3 months......
Answer by sephoroths
It works great but you have to be commited.Good luck!
Answer by LFG for bar
Walking is fine as long as you increase your heart rate enough. Try walking with weights and try to vary your speed. As you build up endurance, you can move on to jogging and then running. Just be sure to stretch, and you might want to get a walking partner. I found that if I walk with my boyfriend, him and I can walk 3 times the distance in a slightly longer time span.
Answer by DENISE
yes walking is the best thing to do it helps your heart and can give your legs a great workout to. i say put weights in your hands while your walking and that can make your arms get into great shape and maybe later on try the ankle weights to. no more then 5 pounds each. this is a great workout,and can help your back get stronger to.
Answer by knittinmama
Walking is a very good form of exercise. You don't need a gym membership or any special equipment, other than a good pair of shoes and you can do it anywhere. It is easier on the joints than running. I have trained for 2 60 mile walks (Avon 3-Days). I didn't find that I was loosing weight but the abs firmed up and butt and legs look fantastic.
Answer by Tanya T
Sometimes people also forget that exercise is not only about losing weight. Walking will help increase your metabolism (helps in losing weight too), increase your stamina, strength and build the muscles in your legs.
Answer by Obi_San
Walking is an excellent form of exercise! If you want a professional, call your doctor and ask him or her what they think of your new plan. Walking gets your heart rate up without putting too much stress on your joints. Make sure to push yourself, though. Walk at a brisk pace, not a stroll. Give it a few more weeks, and I bet you will start to notice some fantastic physical changes!
Answer by technical difficulties
food pyramid. follow it along with what you're already doing. you'll see results. remember a diet packed with vegetables, fruits and proper amounts of grains and moderate amounts of fats, dairy and sugars.. will help you lose weight. proper hydration also. no sodas all the time, no fakey juice drinks that are packed with chemicals.. fresh juice, water, soy milk, low fat milk... no fast foods, keep the portions very small when you do. take the stairs! ride a bike also. get sweating also, that helps alot too. don't stop just because you haven't lost much or anything, it's a start! if your mental capacity is improving, if you're feeling better emotionally you're well on your way. the blood flowing is so very important along with a well balanced diet! don't do fad diets, don't starve yourself, it will just come back to you in triplicate! stick to a life long diet! you will feel better over time and lose that weight and be able to keep it off! you don't have to give up what you enjoy, remember moderation! get into some yoga or pilates.. that'll help too along with the regiment you are starting. keep on it! you and your body will love you for it.
Answer by Physics-student
it can be a good exercise provided that you do it well. you walk at a rapid and staedy rate, not as if you are strolling in your backyard, admiring flowers. only then it will work. good luck
Answer by cynthetiq
the human body is meant to walk, it is the best exercise there is. Running would burn more, true, but with that comes a greater risk of injury. I have heard it recommended that everyone should walk for at least an hour per day, non-stop, on top of all our regular activities. What's more important than that, is it works for you. If you are comfortable doing this and you enjoy it, then it is the best exercise for you.
Answer by MsNic
i used to walk 3 times a week for 30 mins and lost 50lbs in less than 3 months (i changed my calorie intake too to 1500 a day)
Answer by simplyrelaxinginblvl
Walking is very good exercise. It get's your body burning calories, and is a good way to get out of the house and into the fresh air.... just don't walk to the corner store for a chocolate bar and large soft drink.
Answer by Lily
Fantastic form of exercise, keep at it, the results will show and you will be glad you did this, it's just about as good as running without the knee jarring and foot problems.
Answer by Cliff Jumper
I walk to the fridge all the time for beer, but it hasn't done anything for me yet. But my coordination seems to be getting worse.
Answer by Brian M
Its one of the best things you can do.For weight loss make sure go hard enough to raise your heart beat to about 60% of maximum capacity.This means enough that you can talk but its a little difficult.For me its 108 beats per minute but it changes with age so you would have to look up your own number if you want to br precise.Any fitness site Will have this.
Answer by euro_canadianpt
yes it is effective...because...first of all walking is a low impact exercise therefore...u absor enough oxygen in order to burn fat as the main source of energy....also...walking on incines and what not give great challanges and it builds ur leg and back conditioning for everyday functional movements. also...its lower impact on ur knees and spine....also....if ur not looking to become the next marathon runner or national athlete....walking is great for just burning fat calories....also...make sure u do it at a decent sped like 3.5-4.0 mph...and at an incline...and for at least above 30 50-70 is a very good length....enjoy
Answer by asma
i must say that walking changes you more in your physical looks & it is the best form of exercise for those who cant get time to do exercises at home or join gyms. with this you get your body in perfect shape & in this way you loss that weight that is not necessary to your body. I prefer that walking is the best form of exercise.
Answer by heaven o
Walking is a great exercise. Just remember to speed it up and swing your arms. Speed walking works best!
Answer by kansanrose00
Walking is a very good form of exercise! But you can't just walk at a slow pace on flat ground. You have to do a brisk walk, arms bent and swinging, and do as many hills as possible! You have to actually feel like you're doing something to get your heart rate up and break a sweat
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